viernes, 24 de noviembre de 2017

My Blog experience

Hi people, now to close my blog, for that today I will talk about my experience writing it. I think that writing this blog has helped me to express myself better in English, I think it is a good way to learn another language, since one has to learn to look for the words that serve to express what you speak daily in your native language. But what I would like more is for the blog to be creating a character, I do not like talking about my life so much, because it is very boring, so I would prefer more than to make a blog about your experiences, create stories of a fictional character.
I would have liked to write the life of a demon who works for the devil or an elephant locked in a zoo or a stray dog ​​in the central station. This would make classes more interesting and creative, also helping us to develop the language.

I've never really written a blog in my life, it is difficult for me to express myself with words even in my native language and the experience was not as difficult as I thought. One can talk about anything! It does not matter if it's interesting or not, in the end it's good to express yourself no matter if someone reads you or not.

Who is a person/expert on your field that you admire?

Helloo, today I have to talk about my favorite anthropologist. One of the people who most interest me is Margared Mead.
Margared Mead es una antropologa estadounidense, la cual se desempeña dentro de lo que se conoce como antropologia culturalista. She was born in Philadelphia in 1901, her father was a university professor, and her mother a social activist. She graduated in 1923 from Barnard College and became known in 1925 for his field work in Polynesia.
I find this author very important for her age because of the fact that she questioned the biologistic idea about the division of labor by gender. At this time it was believed that the sexual division of labor was justified in the biological differences of each sex, the woman had to work in the private and the man in the public. After all the research done by Mead to other cultures, she demonstrated the varied divisions of work that existed.

Currently there are still many people who continue with the idea of ​​biological determinism, which is why I think it is important to remember this expert.

Introduction to etnography

Hi, today i come to talk of my favorite subject in this semester, that it is call introduction to etnography.  The objetive of this subject is learn what is, and how does etnografy, for that, in one week in this semester all students have travell to a some place in chili and studing a some people with etnografy method.  In the begining of this subjet diferent teachers gave us theoretical classes on the ethnographic method and its different complications. After the week on the ground all classes are laboratories in which we have to organize the information collected, for later, make a video in wich we show our work.
Some of the content we learned was the idea of the importance of carnival as an expression of the popular culture of Mijail Batjin. This was very helpful in our work, since we went to invesigate the religious festival of a small town in the fourth region. The party was celebrated in conmemoration to the virgin, and is characterized by the presence of many dance groups that accompany the virgin in proecession.

This subject is my favorite because one learns much more in practice than in theory.

martes, 24 de octubre de 2017

My favorite photography

Hi everyone, today I'm going to talk to my favorite photography. Almost all my photos disappeared because my computer was broken, but thanks to the internet I could find some photo. This is one my favorite photography, because in this I appear with my brother and our stuffed animals in the livingroom of my house. This photo was taken for my mother in the year 2003, i dont know exact day.
When I was a child, I with my brother invented many stories with stuffed animals, much better stories than Andy in Toy Story. Stories could be a love problem or even trips to other dimensions through the mirror. The stuffed animals in the photo were the main characteres of all the stories: Jamin the black, Courage the white, Dog cowgirl the white with brown, and Scooby the brown. Although we did not have much imagination to put the names to stuffed animals, in the histories we had some imagination.
Almost all my childhood I spent creating these stories, so for me this picture represents a lot.

miércoles, 13 de septiembre de 2017

Pets the best companions

For me, the pets are very important for the life, I always had dogs, since I born. For this reason my favorite pets are the dogs, I never had any other type of pet, but I will like have a cat someday.  
Actually I live with 2 dogs; my female dog called Chini and my male dog called Melchor. I love my two pets. But the Saturday arrived to my house other dog, called Dracaris, and has only 2 months. Dracaris only live in my house for one month, she is the dog to one friend of mine, I will take care of her meanwhile my friend change the house.
The pets have been very important in the human history; the dog for example has been with us for millions of years, helping each other. All the pets help to develop to life with better relationship with your entire world.

But despite all this actually there many problems related to pets. Many people think that the animals are propriety of the human and do with them what they want, mistreating them sometimes. The animals are not propriety, are a wonderful companions.

My favorite pice of technology

Daily I use various types of technology, principally my computer and my cellphone, but my favorite piece of technology is my mp4.
My mp4 gifted my parents in my 16th birthday; I use it from that day to the present. I used it in my bedroom with my talking or when walking from my house to de university, because I living very close. I don’t use all days but very often.
I think that the music it make the day more wonderful, I like very much walk quietly listen music, but sometimes think I should not do it, because I just disconnect to the people and the world, often people talk to me and I pass by not listening.

Even if it's my favorite piece of technology I think my life would not change much without it. This artifacts are not essentials in the life. 

miércoles, 30 de agosto de 2017

When i was a child, i admired the people who work in the gas bus, they shouting and beat gas ball, i wanted work in this job. After, with a little more years i wanted to be veterinary and after teacher, but when i reach adolescence i started to hate the school then i was not work in these (teacher).
In the last year to school i was between choose antropology, geography, digital animator and sociology. I decide antropology after a conversation with my cousin, who is antropologist. He told me that if i dont know what i wanted, it was best to choose antropology, because this career is the most "complete".
My experience in the university it has not been very positive. I think that teach us much teory and little practice, also does not develop much the critical analysis.

miércoles, 23 de agosto de 2017

Hello, my name is Amalia Ahumada and start this blog posting my biography.
I was born in Santiago de Chile on 18th July in 1997. I am de second child of my mother and the third of my dad, how has a boy when he was a young. Since my first day I living in the same house in Macul. I spend all my chilhood in the same school, the Liceo Manuel de Salas, I went to this school because my dad work in there, bouth of my parents are teachers of history.
When I left the school, I start studying antropology in the Universidad de Chile.
In my house we living with two dogs, their names are Chini and Melchor, before I lived with other dog but he die the last year.
Since I was a child I liked drawing, but i do not draw much anymore. I actually like them more play the guitar or the charango.