miércoles, 30 de agosto de 2017

When i was a child, i admired the people who work in the gas bus, they shouting and beat gas ball, i wanted work in this job. After, with a little more years i wanted to be veterinary and after teacher, but when i reach adolescence i started to hate the school then i was not work in these (teacher).
In the last year to school i was between choose antropology, geography, digital animator and sociology. I decide antropology after a conversation with my cousin, who is antropologist. He told me that if i dont know what i wanted, it was best to choose antropology, because this career is the most "complete".
My experience in the university it has not been very positive. I think that teach us much teory and little practice, also does not develop much the critical analysis.

3 comentarios:

  1. I also wanted to be a vet when I was little!

  2. great post, in which area of ​​anthropology would you like to specialize?

  3. I loved your post, in especially cause you wanted to work in the gas bus, is the first time that a hear something like this
