viernes, 30 de noviembre de 2018

Post 7: My favorite TV show

Well when I was a child I watched TV very much, many shows do for kids, but now I don’t like me turn on the TV, never find good shows or movies and the news always report only lies. Although in the actually I watch shows and movies but I search in internet, is in there where I watch many films and also someone series.  I don’t like very much the US series, even if exist very good series make in United Stated I prefer watch the other countries like anime series for Japan or ancient Chilean soap opera.
Resultado de imagen para fullmetal alchemist
I don’t be a fan to anime series, but the best show that I had watch is one of this called Full Metal Alchemist. This series is set in a fictional word, similar to the context after industrial revolution, where many people who can use the alchemy, give us much power.  It is about two brothers, Edward and Alphonse Elric, who are very good alchemist to steel. They want recover his body than lose after when they were littler try to revive his mother with alchemy, but this went wrong and one of them lose all his body, finish with a armor how body, and the other lose one leg and one arm. For that they have to look for the entire world the philosopher’s stone, with this they believe can recover his body, but they don’t know what is done the stone…
Well, I recommend very much this anime, although if you don’t like anime.

viernes, 23 de noviembre de 2018

Post 6: Postgraduate studies

Hello everybody, today I come to talk about the postgraduate studies.
Well, Nowadays I only think in finishing the career of anthropology, I really don’t want to do postgraduate studies in the future, because I think that aren’t necessary if I don’t work in academic work. Although, I think many times studying another career when I had finished this, I might study pedagogic or geography, but studying another career means being in a university five years more and I have to pay all tuition, because there is not scholarship for second career.
Despite this, now I come to search which postgraduate I would do, and I find something interesting. If I decide to study a postgraduate I will try not to do it in Chile, otherwise I will try to go to other country in South America and make a distance learning, preferably in Brazil or Mexico, because in these countries is where the anthropology has developed more. I am really interesting in Mexico National University Autonomous, I can try to study a master’s in “Education and Intercultural Anthropology”. This master studies the process of education in context of cultural diversity, as also unequal and discrimination context related to persons with disability. Unfortunately I don’t think that I can do this master in the future, because in addition I will have to pay all my stay in Mexico, and I see very difficult to be able to do this. 

lunes, 12 de noviembre de 2018

Post 4: Someone I would like to meet

Hello! today I come to speak of a beautiful person that i like to meet. This person isn’t being a famous, but I think that in the future she will be the really famous women.  The first time that I see her was in a class to “mapuche ethngology”, class that I took this semester. She is called Charlotte Andersen; she is an exchange student from Zurich, Switzerland. Also being a woman with a very good style of dress and very nice face, a friend of mine told me that she told him that she was a dancer and music of different musical styles. She traveled three years ago through many European countries and fell in love with Andalusia in Spain, where she stayed for a complete year where she learned to play and dance flamenco. After that she traveled to other countries playing in a flamenco group which she joined, this one was called "Las flamencas". While traveling, she meet many other musical styles and learned to play them. Now her idea was to finish the semester traveling through Latin America learning new instruments and rhythms. I love music and I would like to learn new musical rhythms so I want to know Charlotte a lot, but I do not know how to talk to her.

viernes, 9 de noviembre de 2018

Post 5: My future job

The future always is uncertain so is really difficult to me imagine in only one job. When I was a child I wanted work in many professions in the future, I wanted be a veterinarian, because I love the dogs, a teacher or also to be a delivery woman to gas. I really don’t know why I finished get in to study anthropology and now here I am jaja.
I always interested to me the education, but since I have scenic panic I wasn’t study pedagogy,   for that I want working in the future in this area and participate in various educative projects. I really hate I will working in an office, is a enslave work when you don’t share with other people and you enclosed behind a computer. My dream is working in a job where I have to travel so much and the work be in a group, which always share with people.
Despite this, my true dream actually is in the future, work like craftswoman, I love to do different art with my hands. When I am alone in my house I like so much began to painting, do things in wood or do ceramic birds. If I work to this in the future I was really happy, my problem is I a very bad businesswoman for that is very difficult to me sell the things that I do.
Well, I hope I will work in some job that makes me happy.