miércoles, 19 de diciembre de 2018

Post 9: Changes to my study programme

Well the career that I study is anthropology and it really has disappointed me a lot, at the University of Chile. I think a lot of things are missing for change to be a really good race. To begin, the first two years of common plan I think they are unnecessary, with one already enough, besides that these first two years all classes are in the rooms of 100 people, and in this classroom are from only you can do classes where the teacher speaks 3 hours. I also think that is really necessary more course of gender, there is only one in the third year and it is optional. I also believe that more Latin American anthropologists and women should be included in the bibliography of the courses, with 80% being European men.
In the race are missing more field trips, the theory is necessary but 4 years just reading you will not learn anything new. It is in field practice that I have really learned more, in contact with people, not locked in the classroom. Although we have three courses with field trips this is very little for the training of anthropologist.
On the other hand I think that the main problem that anthropology has is the teachers. Not all teachers are bad, but there are some who really dont know anything and only invent the class without really knowing what they are talking about. It is necessary a true evaluation of the teachers and contract new for the next year.
Well that's what I would change Anthropology-

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