miércoles, 30 de agosto de 2017

When i was a child, i admired the people who work in the gas bus, they shouting and beat gas ball, i wanted work in this job. After, with a little more years i wanted to be veterinary and after teacher, but when i reach adolescence i started to hate the school then i was not work in these (teacher).
In the last year to school i was between choose antropology, geography, digital animator and sociology. I decide antropology after a conversation with my cousin, who is antropologist. He told me that if i dont know what i wanted, it was best to choose antropology, because this career is the most "complete".
My experience in the university it has not been very positive. I think that teach us much teory and little practice, also does not develop much the critical analysis.

miércoles, 23 de agosto de 2017

Hello, my name is Amalia Ahumada and start this blog posting my biography.
I was born in Santiago de Chile on 18th July in 1997. I am de second child of my mother and the third of my dad, how has a boy when he was a young. Since my first day I living in the same house in Macul. I spend all my chilhood in the same school, the Liceo Manuel de Salas, I went to this school because my dad work in there, bouth of my parents are teachers of history.
When I left the school, I start studying antropology in the Universidad de Chile.
In my house we living with two dogs, their names are Chini and Melchor, before I lived with other dog but he die the last year.
Since I was a child I liked drawing, but i do not draw much anymore. I actually like them more play the guitar or the charango.